# ROS Tutorial Turtlesim

# Introduction


Welcome to the ROS Turtlesim (opens new window) tutorial.

With this tutorial we dive in the basics of the ROS syntax.

The syntax will be applied to very simple robot (turtlesim (opens new window)) that runs in 2D environment.

For the easy use we will be using a docker container. So this tutorial can be execute on Windows or Linux OS. Possibly also MacOS. ( but that isn't tested/documented )

# Objectives

  • Learn the basics of the ROS syntax by doing.
  • Controlling the Turtlesim by terminal and python script.
  • Implemented the basisc of 2D navigation.

# Requirements

  • PC with Windows OS (admin rights needed)
  • Or PC with Ubuntu OS (sudo rights needed)
  • Docker is needed (See installation)
  • No GPU needed!!

# Credits

This tutorial is create during the research project ROSDRIVEN (opens new window) at VIVES University of Applied Sciences (opens new window) department Technology (opens new window).
